Today Renee Williams and ITT teamed up for a fabulous workshop in downtown Napoli. Renee taught students how to get their fancy dSLRs out of Auto and learn to shoot in manual to get THE shot!
It was a beautiful day that started out with cafe and learning how to shoot depth of field. Then onto Galleria Umberto to capture this beautiful building on film. Don’t forget the details and shoot CLOSER!
Next, Piazza del Plebiscito! Wide sweeping views and learning how to shoot s…l…o…w and fast of the fountain in Piazza Trieste Trento.
Finally, don’t forget the dark churches…just how to you get shots in the dark anyway? Just kidding…we visited a church in the piazza and worked on ISO, shutter speed and where did I put the tripod? Oh right I was too lazy to carry it all day so I left it at home…now what do I do? Want to find out?
Come to Renee’s next class with ITT in Sorrento. Oh, and maybe her trusty side kick (me) will be with her to help out with questions too.

“The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.”
~ Andy Warhol