You’ve got an event, a milestone or an important memory you just know you need to capture in a unique and dynamic way. You do the research, you hire a photographer. You talk about locations and wardrobe…props. The day of the session arrives and you pay the session fees. After your session you anxiously await the finished product and you hope your photographer can hurry and edit them so you can see the final results! YES! You love the photos and can’t wait to print them…at COSTCO!
Wait! What!? Did you hear what I just said. All those hours all that planning to have your precious photos printed with mediocre equipment and product.
Am I saying you don’t have those options? Of course you do, but you need to know what you’re giving up to save a few dollars.
Any 1-Hour photo service is there to crank out hundreds of photos a day without regard for real quality and care. They don’t calibrate them carefully, your skin tones will be off and you will see the difference.
So before you think you’re saving money by going this route, be sure to talk to your photographer look at print samples and really compare packages and the quality and care you will receive for all the time, effort and artistry put into your photos. These are your precious memories. Remember, you get what you pay for!
~Beth Moskal

“The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.”
~ Andy Warhol bethmoskalphotography.com