We left off waiting for Tony the American in my previous blog post right? I apologize for the delay in posting but looks like my family is moving to America. Had to pack out my house and put everything else on the back burner for awhile. Sorry for the suspense! I wanted to post this story only 1 week after Part I.
What we do while we wait.
So while we wait we chat with the locals, take pictures and sure enough the guy comes back and brings us to meet what we believe might be a cousin. Crazy right? It’s true! Looks like we found a cousin and got some sketchy family history about moving to Rio de Janeiro and someones a pilot.
The guy on the left we met in the Piazza. The guy on the right we think is the cousin. They heatedly discuss the details
Once we are back at the piazza again along comes “Tony the American.” Turns out Tony is from this small town but lived in the USA back in the 60’s & 70’s. So that is why they call him “Tony the American.” He said hadn’t spoken English is awhile but it came back to him quickly!
Here he is! Ta-da! “Tony the American!”
He brought us all around town looking for people who might know more family members. We stop at a pizzaria, a little old lady’s house, and another couples house. All the neighbors came out to see what was going on and who are these two blonde Americans. We cause quite a stir, and I think we were the talk of the town.
This is the little pizza place we stop to get information. They we very nice and helpful. Everyone seems to know everyone here!
Love it! Getting some more directions from the guys.
Tony just started knocking on doors and asking questions. It was so cool! Everyone in the neighborhood just pitched in to try and find the family.
I just LOVED this little old lady. Isn’t she adorable?
Stop for a quick cell phone call, not quite finding who we were looking for…Tony was just so cool! He dropped everything to help us! Grazie Mille!
Here she is again. She was so curious to who we were looking for. Probably the most excitement on this road in awhile.
Everyone came out to help us. This guy even hoped on his Vespa and tried to get us more information. Who ARE these American Girls anyway?
In the end Tony the American found little more information that we had, but told us he would look into it and we should return next week. By then he should know more AND don’t forget to bring our families and we will dine together. What fun right? So looks like the adventure continues…

“The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.”
~ Andy Warhol bethmoskalphotography.com